City Hindus Network and India League Networking Dinner
As Chairman of City Hindus Network ( and The India League ( tickets are on sale for our first networking dinner of 2023:
Our attendees confirmed for the dinner include Member of the House of Lords, entrepreneurs in tech, City investment bankers, lawyers, established business people.
We will ask everyone to introduce themselves after drinks and over dinner with a couple of guest speakers to.
Here are some top tips for making the most of such events:
1. Bring plenty of business cards. This will make it easy to exchange contact information with other attendees.
2. Dress appropriately. Wear professional attire that is appropriate for the occasion and the industry you are in.
3. Be prepared to talk about yourself and your career goals. Have a few talking points ready to go, such as your current job or your areas of expertise.
4. Be an active listener. Pay attention to what others are saying and ask questions to show your interest.
5. Follow up after the event. Take the time to send a quick email or LinkedIn message to anyone you had a meaningful conversation with. This is a great way to stay connected and potentially open the door to future opportunities.
6. Research the event and attendees beforehand. This can help you tailor your conversation and have a better understanding of who you might be able to connect with. (See our websites above)
7. Practice your elevator pitch. This is a brief summary of who you are, what you do, and what you’re looking for. It should be concise and to the point, and it can be a helpful way to introduce yourself to others at the event.
8. Network with a purpose. While it’s important to have fun at the event, it’s also a good idea to have a specific goal in mind, such as connecting with a specific person or learning about a particular industry.
9. Follow proper etiquette. Be punctual, be respectful of others’ time and space, and be mindful of your body language.
10. Don’t be afraid to approach others. While it can be intimidating to start a conversation with a stranger, it’s important to remember that everyone at the event is there to network. So don’t be afraid to take the initiative and introduce yourself.
11. Be genuine and authentic. People are more likely to want to connect with you if you are genuine and authentic, so be yourself and be sincere in your interactions.
12. Have fun! Networking dinners can be a great opportunity to have an enjoyable conversation with others in your industry, so don’t be afraid to relax and have a good time.